What are whole grains +7 science-based health benefits?

What are whole grains +7 science-based health benefits? - welzo

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An overview of whole grain foods;

Whole grain foods

All around the world, households eat whole grain foods as a staple diet. They are composed of three parts: the bran, which is the nutrient-rich outer layer, the germ, which is the nutrient-rich embryo of the seed, and the endosperm, which is the germ's main source of starchy carbohydrates.

Simply said, whole grain foods are those that still have all three components. They often contain high levels of dietary fibre, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and iron.

It's interesting to note that consuming whole grain foods rather than refined grains has been associated with lower risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, celiac disease and other diseases.

Different types of whole grain foods;

1. Oats

Oats are among the healthiest whole grain foods you can eat.

They’re not only packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre but also naturally gluten-free.

What’s more, oats are rich in antioxidants, especially avenanthramide. This antioxidant has been linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer and lower blood pressure.

2. Whole wheat Flour

A well-liked and very adaptable cereal grain is whole wheat flour. It is a crucial component in couscous, bulgur, semolina, pasta, and baked foods.

Wheat is incredibly popular, but because it contains gluten, it is also very contentious. In some people, the protein gluten might set off a negative immunological reaction.
Whole wheat flour

3. Millet

An ancient grain called millet is arguably best known for its use in bird seed.

But it has long been a component of human food; in India, China, Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and other regions of the world, it is regarded as a basic ingredient.

A fantastic source of magnesium, manganese, zinc, potassium, iron, B vitamins, and fibre, millet is very nutrient-dense. It is naturally gluten-free as well.

4. Barley;

An adaptable cereal grain that has been enjoyed for countless years is barley.

Although less well-known than other whole grains, it is highly healthful.

Whole (or hulled) barley and pearled barley are the two basic varieties of barley. However, because it has undergone minimum processing, only hulled barley is regarded as a complete grain.

5. Brown Rice

Widely accepted as a healthier option than white rice is brown rice;

That's because it's a whole grain, which means that it includes the bran, germ, and endosperm in addition to the full grain. Meanwhile, the bran and germ have been eliminated from white rice.

Other whole grain foods;

Wild rice

Wheat kernels

White rice

Whole grain kernels

white flour

Whole grain cereal

Whole grain bread

Benefits of whole grains;

Some of the important health benefits of whole grains are following;

1. Lowered coronary heart disease risk;

Healthy whole grains lower risk of developing heart disease, the world's leading cause of death, which is one of their major health advantages.

Three 1-ounce (28-gram) portions of healthy whole grains per day may reduce your risk of heart disease by 22%, according to an assessment of 10 research.

Researchers concluded that diets for healthy living should contain more whole grains foods and less processed carbohydrates.

2. Lower your risk of becoming obese;

Consuming healthy foods high in fibre will help you feel fuller for longer and reduce overeating. This is one of the main arguments in favour of high-fibre diets for weight loss. It also contributes to body weight management and maintains healthy body weight.

Research indicates that many whole grain foods and items produced from them may reduce your risk of obesity since they are more satisfying than processed grains.

An analysis of 15 research involving approximately 120,000 participants found that consuming three servings of whole grains per day was associated with a lower body mass index (BMI) and less belly fat.

3. Lowered type 2 diabetes risk;

Consuming whole grains instead of processed ones may reduce your chances of developing a risk of type 2 diabetes and blood pressure.

According to a study of 16 studies, switching to whole grains and consuming at least 2 servings of them each day can reduce your chance of developing diabetes.

This is in part because whole grain pasta high in dietary fibre can aid in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing obesity, which is a risk factor for diabetes.

Furthermore, research has connected eating whole grains with lower fasting blood sugar levels and better insulin sensitivity.

This might be brought on by magnesium, a mineral present in whole grains that aid in carbohydrate metabolism and are associated with insulin sensitivity.

4. Help a healthy digestive system;

Whole grain fibre can promote healthy digestion in many ways.

First, dietary fibre reduces your risk of constipation and helps give stools volume.

Second, some whole grain breakfast cereals fibres function as prebiotics. This means they aid in nourishing the good bacteria in your stomach, which are crucial for maintaining digestive health.

Healthy digestive system

5. Lessen persistent inflammation;

Many chronic diseases have inflammation as their primary cause.

There is some proof that whole grains may help lessen inflammation.

According to one study, women who consumed the most whole and refined grains had the lowest risk of passing away from chronic illnesses linked to inflammation.

Additionally, a recent study found that people with poor diets who switched from refined to whole wheat products experienced a decrease in inflammatory markers.

These and other studies' findings back up suggestions for whole grains to take the place of most refined grains in diets.

6. Might lower your cancer risk;

Although the results are promising, research on whole grains and cancer risk has produced conflicting findings.

In one analysis of 20 trials, 6 revealed a lower risk of cancer, whereas 14 showed no relationship.

According to recent studies, one of the most prevalent forms of cancer, colorectal cancer, is most likely to be prevented by consuming healthy whole grain products.

Additionally, several fibre-related health advantages could reduce your risk of developing cancer. One of these is prebiotic.

Last but not least, other elements found in whole grains, such as phytic acid, phenolic acids, and saponins, may inhibit the growth of cancer.

7. Lowered possibility of dying too soon,

Your risk of dying young also decreases as your risk of chronic disease does.

One study found that eating whole grains specifically reduced your chance of dying from heart disease as well as other causes.

The study examined information from two sizable cohort studies and made adjustments for variables like smoking, body weight, and general eating habits that are likely to have an impact on death rates.

According to the findings, eating whole grains was associated with a 5% decreased risk of death per 1-ounce portion.

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