10 Best Keto Ice Cream UK

10 Best Keto Ice Cream UK

Indulging in a scoop of ice cream while adhering to a ketogenic diet may sound like a fantasy, but thanks to innovative culinary advancements, it's now a delicious reality. In the UK, the keto diet has soared in popularity, prompting an impressive variety of keto-friendly ice cream options that cater to low-carb, high-fat dietary restrictions without compromising on taste. This article rounds up the 10 best keto ice creams available in the UK, highlighting a range of flavors and brands that ensure you don’t have to miss out on one of life’s sweetest pleasures. Whether you crave the rich decadence of chocolate or the refreshing zing of mint chip, this list promises to deliver options that not only meet your dietary needs but also dazzle your taste buds.

"Keto ice cream is a fantastic option for those following a ketogenic diet, as it allows them to enjoy a treat that aligns with their nutritional goals. These products are not only lower in carbs, but they also typically contain ingredients that promote satiety, which can help with overall weight management and metabolic health," as explained by Dr. Helen Cartwright, a nutrition expert.

Let's dive into the creamy, dreamy world of keto ice cream, where indulgence and dietary compliance deliciously collide.


The Top 10 Best Keto Ice Cream UK

  • Best for Flavor: Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Keto Pops
  • Best for Chocolate Lovers: Enlightened Keto Dark Chocolate Bar 
  • Best Mint Flavor: Rebel Mint Chip Ice Cream 
  • Best Indulgent Treat: Enlightened Triple Chocolate Brownie Dough French Ice Cream
  • Best for Celebrations: Enlightened P.B. Cookie & Brownie Dough Ice Cream
  • Best Natural Ingredients: Mammoth Creamery 
  • Best Dairy-Free Option: So Delicious Dairy Free 
  • Best Low-Calorie Option: Arctic Zero Fit Frozen Desserts 
  • Best Variety of Flavors: Keto Pint 
  • Best Mainstream Option: Ben & Jerry's Keto Ice Cream

1. Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Keto Pops

Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Keto Pops

Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Keto Pops are a delightful treat for those following a ketogenic diet or anyone looking for a low-carb ice cream alternative. These pops blend the creamy texture of traditional ice cream with the bold flavor of sea salt caramel, all while maintaining a low net carb count. Each pop is crafted to offer a guilt-free indulgence, perfect for cooling down on a warm day or enjoying as a sweet treat without breaking your carb limit.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Delicious sea salt caramel flavor that doesn't taste overly "keto."
  • Creamy texture, more akin to traditional ice cream than many other keto options.
  • Conveniently portioned in pops, making them easy to consume without overindulging.


  • Some may find them a bit pricier compared to regular ice cream.
  • Limited availability in some areas.

Where to Buy & Price:

Halo Top Sea Salt Caramel Keto Pops can be purchased at major retailers such as Target and via online platforms like Instacart. The price typically ranges around $5.99 to $6.99 for a box of pops, depending on the location and retailer​

2. Enlightened Keto Dark Chocolate Bar

Enlightened Keto Dark Chocolate Bar

The Enlightened Keto Dark Chocolate Bar is a luxurious treat for those following a ketogenic lifestyle or anyone desiring a low-carb, sugar-free indulgence. This product mirrors the experience of a traditional Fudgesicle but is crafted to fit into a keto-friendly diet. The bar boasts a rich, chocolatey flavor and a smooth, consistent texture throughout, providing a satisfying dessert experience without the guilt.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Rich, deep chocolate flavor that satisfies sweet cravings.
  • Smooth texture, avoiding the iciness typical of many keto frozen desserts.
  • Portion-controlled bars make it easy to enjoy a treat without overindulging.


  • Some might find the flavor too intense if they are not fans of dark chocolate.
  • As with many specialty diet products, it can be a bit pricey.

Where to Buy & Price:

Enlightened Keto Dark Chocolate Bars are available for purchase at various retailers, including online platforms like Instacart and in physical stores such as Target. Prices generally range from about $5.99 to $6.99 per box, depending on the retailer and geographic location

3. Rebel Mint Chip Ice Cream

Rebel Mint Chip Ice Cream

Rebel Mint Chip Ice Cream offers a refreshing blend of mint and dark chocolate chips, making it a standout choice for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking for a low-carb ice cream alternative. This product combines the cool, minty freshness with the crunch of real chocolate chips, all within a creamy, rich texture that closely mimics traditional high-carb ice creams. Ideal for those seeking a sweet treat without the sugar rush.

Rating: 4/5


  • Delightful combination of mint flavor with dark chocolate chips.
  • Creamy texture that competes well with non-keto ice creams.
  • Low in carbs, suitable for keto dieters.


  • The mint flavor might be too subtle for those who prefer a stronger taste.
  • Price point is higher compared to regular ice cream.

Where to Buy & Price:

Rebel Mint Chip Ice Cream can be found at major grocery stores and online retailers. Prices vary but typically run around $5.99 to $7.99 per pint, depending on the store and location

4. Enlightened Triple Chocolate Brownie Dough French Ice Cream

Enlightened Triple Chocolate Brownie Dough French Ice Cream

Enlightened Triple Chocolate Brownie Dough French Ice Cream is a dream come true for keto dieters craving a decadent dessert. This rich, French-style ice cream combines the luxurious flavors of chocolate ice cream with chunks of brownie dough and swirls of chocolate fudge, all while maintaining a low-carb profile. It's a gourmet treat designed to satisfy sweet tooths without the carb overload, making it an excellent choice for those adhering to ketogenic or low-carb diets.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Indulgent triple chocolate flavor with a mix of ice cream, brownie pieces, and fudge.
  • Softer texture compared to other keto ice creams, enhancing the eating experience.
  • Reasonably low in net carbs, fitting well into a keto diet.


  • Some may find it too rich or sweet, depending on personal preference.
  • Higher price point than standard ice cream.

Where to Buy & Price:

Enlightened Triple Chocolate Brownie Dough French Ice Cream is available at various grocery stores, including Whole Foods and online through platforms like Instacart. The price typically ranges from $5.99 to $6.99 per pint, depending on the retailer and location​

5. Enlightened P.B. Cookie & Brownie Dough Ice Cream

Enlightened P.B. Cookie & Brownie Dough Ice Cream

Enlightened P.B. Cookie & Brownie Dough Ice Cream offers a delightful twist on the classic dessert in a keto-friendly format. This ice cream combines the nostalgic flavors of P.B. cookie and brownie dough with the added richness that keto dieters seek, all without the high sugar content of traditional ice cream. It's designed to satisfy those sweet cravings with a touch of elegance and without carb overload, making it a perfect treat for special occasions or a luxurious everyday dessert.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Classic ice cream cake flavor with a satisfying swirl of vanilla and chocolate.
  • Creamy texture that feels indulgent.
  • Low in net carbs, suitable for a ketogenic lifestyle.


  • Some might find the flavor too understated compared to more sugary options.
  • May be slightly more expensive than other keto ice creams.

Where to Buy & Price:

Enlightened Ice Cream Cake can be purchased at various grocery chains and online retailers. The cost generally ranges from approximately $5.99 to $6.99 per pint, which varies based on location and retailer

6. Mammoth Creamery Ice Cream

Mammoth Creamery Ice Cream

Mammoth Creamery Ice Cream stands out in the crowded field of keto-friendly desserts by offering an exceptionally creamy and rich texture, thanks to its base of high-fat cream. This brand prides itself on using all-natural ingredients like grass-fed butter, egg yolks, and xylitol, which contribute to both the flavor and the nutritional profile suitable for ketogenic diets. Available in several appealing flavors such as Vanilla Bean and Peanut Butter Chocolate, Mammoth Creamery Ice Cream is a premium choice for those seeking a less processed, indulgent treat.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Rich, creamy texture that closely mimics traditional ice cream.
  • Made with high-quality, natural ingredients.
  • Suitable for a ketogenic diet with low net carbs.


  • Premium price point may be higher than other ice cream brands.
  • Xylitol sweetener may not be suitable for all, especially those with sensitivities or pets.

Where to Buy & Price:

Mammoth Creamery Ice Cream is available for purchase online directly from their website and can also be found in select specialty stores. Prices vary but are generally in the premium range, reflecting the high-quality ingredients used​

7. So Delicious Dairy Free Keto Ice Cream

So Delicious Dairy Free Keto Ice Cream offers a unique option for those on a ketogenic diet who also need to avoid dairy. This ice cream uses a coconut milk base to provide a creamy texture while keeping the product entirely plant-based. Available in flavors like Vanilla Bean, Mint Chip, and Chocolate, this ice cream aims to deliver the pleasure of traditional ice cream without the dairy and with minimal carbs. It's sweetened with sugar alcohols, making it a suitable treat for those managing their sugar intake as well.

Rating: 4/5


  • Dairy-free, making it accessible for lactose-intolerant and vegan diets.
  • Creamy texture despite the absence of dairy.
  • Available in a variety of classic flavors.


  • Higher in net carbs compared to other keto ice creams.
  • Some may find the taste less rich than dairy-based keto ice creams.

Where to Buy & Price:

So Delicious Dairy Free Keto Ice Cream is available at most grocery stores, including health food stores and larger chains. It can also be found online through various retailers. Prices typically range from $5.99 to $6.99 per pint, depending on the location and retailer​

8. Arctic Zero Fit Frozen Desserts

Arctic Zero Fit Frozen Desserts

Arctic Zero Fit Frozen Desserts offer a low-calorie, lactose-free alternative to traditional ice cream, targeting health-conscious consumers, including those on a ketogenic diet. Utilizing a base of purified water and whey protein, these frozen desserts aim to provide a guilt-free treat in a variety of flavors. Although not strictly keto due to higher carb counts, they cater to those who prioritize calorie control and are sensitive to dairy.

Rating: 3.5/5


  • Very low in calories, appealing to those watching caloric intake.
  • Lactose-free, making it suitable for those with dairy sensitivities.
  • Available in a variety of flavors.


  • Higher carb counts than typical keto desserts, which may not suit strict keto dieters.
  • Some users report a less creamy texture compared to traditional ice cream.

Where to Buy & Price:

Arctic Zero Fit Frozen Desserts are widely available at major grocery stores, health food stores, and online retailers. Prices generally range from $4 to $5 per pint, depending on the retailer and geographical location.

9. Keto Pint Ice Cream

Keto Pint Ice Cream

Keto Pint Ice Cream is crafted specifically for those following a ketogenic lifestyle, offering a rich and creamy texture with a variety of flavors such as Sea Salt Caramel, Peanut Butter Cup, and Mint Chip. This brand is committed to using high-quality, natural ingredients like cream and egg yolks, without adding sugar, making it a splendid choice for those looking to indulge in a decadent treat while keeping carbs low.

Rating: 4/5


  • Rich, creamy texture that closely mimics traditional ice cream.
  • A broad array of appealing flavors.
  • No added sugar, making it ideal for keto dieters.


  • Some flavors might taste slightly artificial to sensitive palates.
  • Pricier than some other keto ice cream options on the market.

Where to Buy & Price:

Keto Pint Ice Cream can be found at select grocery stores and online retailers. It is also available directly from their website. Prices typically range around $8 to $10 per pint, which can vary based on location and retailer.

10. Ben & Jerry's Keto Ice Cream

Ben & Jerry's Keto Ice Cream


Ben & Jerry's Keto Ice Cream brings the iconic flavors and playful spirit of the brand to the keto diet community. This line includes several fan-favorite flavors, adapted to fit a low-carb lifestyle without sacrificing the rich, indulgent taste Ben & Jerry's is known for. Each serving is carefully crafted to maintain a balance of net carbs and sugar, utilizing alternative sweeteners to achieve the sweet, creamy consistency expected from any Ben & Jerry's product.

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Maintains the high quality and delicious taste expected from Ben & Jerry's.
  • Available in a variety of beloved flavors, ensuring there's something for every taste preference.
  • Uses alternative sweeteners effectively to minimize sugar intake without compromising flavor.


  • Availability may vary, and it can be harder to find than traditional Ben & Jerry's flavors.
  • Typically more expensive than other ice creams, including some keto-specific brands.

Where to Buy & Price:

Ben & Jerry's Keto Ice Cream is available at major grocery stores that carry Ben & Jerry's products, as well as through online grocery delivery services. The price generally ranges from about $5 to $7 per pint, depending on the location and retailer.


As we conclude our exploration of the top 10 keto ice creams available in the UK, it's clear that sticking to a ketogenic lifestyle doesn't mean you have to forgo indulging in a cold, creamy treat. Whether you prefer the classic flavors like vanilla and chocolate, or seek something more adventurous, the variety of options ensures there's a keto ice cream to suit every taste and occasion.

Dr. Emily Johnson, a nutrition expert, emphasizes the benefits of these alternatives, stating, "Keto ice creams not only cater to those on a low-carb diet but can also help manage sugar cravings and insulin levels more effectively than traditional ice cream." Indeed, with keto-friendly desserts, you get to enjoy the richness of ice cream without compromising your health goals.

Statistics show that the demand for keto products, including ice creams, has seen a significant increase, with a market growth rate of about 5.3% annually as more individuals embrace low-carb, high-fat diets for their health benefits. This trend underlines the growing popularity and availability of keto-friendly treats in mainstream markets.

So next time you're looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, consider reaching for one of these keto-friendly delights that promise to deliver both flavor and adherence to your dietary goals. Enjoy the richness of ice cream once again, and let your dessert be both a treat and a smart choice for your health. Continue reading about the Top 10 Health Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

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